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Birthday: January 15, 1969

Favorite Music: Southern Rock

Favorite Place: Tuamotus

Top Place of Interest: Scandinavia


Frank grew up in Charlotte, North Carolina and spent many summers on the beaches around Charleston, South Carolina where he developed a love for sailing on his family's Hobie 16.  Frank's first forray toward life on the ocean was when he joined on as crew aboard a 170 foot yacht in the Mediteranean when he was 19 years old.  That boat was scheduled to travel from the Med to the Seychelles.  Frank developed a plan to use it as a stepping stone to circumnavigate the world, which did not happen on that trip.  Nor did it work out on the next four attempts.  In 1996, he cooked up a plan with his good friend David Maybank to finally realize this goal.  They completed that trip in 1998 with John Warren and Ben Moore from Charleston aboard the saling vessel Bon Ami, a Shannon 50 named after their dear friend Will Middleton who was lost to cancer during the planning stages of that trip.  

Frank has always considered his journeys at sea to be some of the most rewarding experiences in his life.  In fact, he met his wife Marilia while circumnavigating in 1998.  Frank and Marilia decided that they would one day open that world to their family.  

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