Birthday: April 23, 2005
Favorite Color: Turquoise
Favorite Musician:
Favorite Place: Makemo in the Tuamotus
Top Place of Interest:
Julia grew up in Mill Valley where she attended Park School until we left for our trip. Unlike anyone on board, Julia found her groove right out the gate…the Golden Gate that is. Julia has an extraordinary level of endurance and can often be found bouncing around making herself busy while everyone else is flat in rough weather. She stands watches and knows how to do most everything on the boat. Julia has a passion for cooking and especially baking. She perfected a banana bread while crossing the pacific and continues to surprise us with things that she pulls out of the oven. Julia is detail oriented with a hawkish sense of seeing anything out of order. This makes her a great navigator and a keen angler. She was the one that found the flying fish that led to the birds that led to the mahi mahi that we harpooned with KeKe, our Polynesian friend in Bora Bora. Julia is a designer. She sees patterns in things that others pass by without consideration. We would be lost without Julia.