Birthday: March 1st
Favorite Music: Tahitian (at the moment)
Favorite Place: French Polynesia (at the moment)
Top Place of Interest: With her family wherever that may be
Marilia is originally from Salvador Brazil, where she has a large and wonderful family. In spite of her time away from Brazil and the frenetic pace of her husband's world, Marilia continues to move at the graceful pace of a Bahaina, the traditional women of Bahia, Brazil. Marilia met Frank in 1998 when Frank sailed into Salvador as part of a big event that was in part organized by some friends of Marilia's sister Magaly. Marilia moved to Menlo Park, California with her son Joao to start a new life together with Frank following their marriage in 2003. They moved around a bit before landing in Mill Valley, the place they now call home. Marilia spends most of her time thinking of others while staying healthy in body and mind. She has a passion for design and is an artist in so many ways. She is her husban's best friend.